• We at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information – Vienna (IQOQI-Vienna) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are committed to advancing knowledge and enhancing human understanding of nature and its laws. We also actively pursue the vision of quantum information science and the wide range of new possibilities it would open up for humanity. To this end, we conduct theoretical and experimental research on the foundations of quantum physics and the physics of quantum information and develop new quantum technologies.

  • We at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information – Vienna (IQOQI-Vienna) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are committed to advancing knowledge and enhancing human understanding of nature and its laws. We also actively pursue the vision of quantum information science and the wide range of new possibilities it would open up for humanity. To this end, we conduct theoretical and experimental research on the foundations of quantum physics and the physics of quantum information and develop new quantum technologies.

  • We at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information – Vienna (IQOQI-Vienna) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are committed to advancing knowledge and enhancing human understanding of nature and its laws. We also actively pursue the vision of quantum information science and the wide range of new possibilities it would open up for humanity. To this end, we conduct theoretical and experimental research on the foundations of quantum physics and the physics of quantum information and develop new quantum technologies.

  • We at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information – Vienna (IQOQI-Vienna) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are committed to advancing knowledge and enhancing human understanding of nature and its laws. We also actively pursue the vision of quantum information science and the wide range of new possibilities it would open up for humanity. To this end, we conduct theoretical and experimental research on the foundations of quantum physics and the physics of quantum information and develop new quantum technologies.


We at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information – Vienna (IQOQI-Vienna) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are committed to advancing knowledge and enhancing human understanding of nature and its laws. We also actively pursue the vision of quantum information science and the wide range of new possibilities it would open up for humanity. To this end, we conduct theoretical and experimental research on the foundations of quantum physics and the physics of quantum information and develop new quantum technologies.




Anton Zeilinger on stage, talking
Anton Zeilinger together with Federal President Van der Bellen






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Neue Publikationen

  • Measurement of the Effective Mass Enhancement of the Deflection of Neutrons in Perfect Crystals
    Zeilinger A., C.G. Shull, M. Horne, S.A. Werner
    Acta Cryst. AInternational Union of Crystallography 13th Congress, C-345 (1984)
  • A One-Axis Flight-Time Neutron Spectrometer for Student Use
    Shull C.G., A. Zeilinger
    Acta Cryst. AActa Cryst. A 40, Supplement, C-466 (1984)
  • Generalized Aharonov-Bohm and Wheeler-Type Delayed Choice Experiments with Neutrons
    Zeilinger A.
    Journal de Physique, 45, C3-213 - C3-216 (1984)
  • Bragg-Case Neutron Interferometry
    Zeilinger A., C.G. Shull, J. Arthur, M. Horne
    Physical Review A, 28, 487(R) (1983)
  • Neutron Phase Shift in Moving Matter
    Horne M., A. Zeilinger, G.I. Opat, A.G. Klein
    Physical Review A, 28, - (1983)