
New Cluster of Excellence for Foundational Questions in Quantum Science

Hooray for quantA! The new Cluster of Excellence ‘Quantum Science Austria’ has been approved by the Austrian Science Fund FWF and was presented today in Vienna.

© FWF/Daniel Novotny

Austrian contributions to fundamental quantum science have been crucial to the Second Quantum Revolution, where the control of quantum systems is applied for the development of quantum technologies. Building on these achievements, scientists in Innsbruck, Klosterneuburg, Linz and Vienna combine their unique expertise “made in Austria” to explore the next outstanding foundational questions in three research areas: the quantum nature of space, time and gravity; new paradigms in quantum information science; and the emergence of new quantum many-body phenomena. At the core of this work are Austria-wide collaborative efforts on new theoretical approaches and well-controlled model systems based on trapped ions, ultracold atoms, systems with long-range interactions, superconducting quantum circuits, and nanoscopic solid-state systems.

The long-term vision of quantA is to obtain new fundamental insights of breakthrough character that alter our view of what we know today about the quantum world. The research program will be complemented by an extensive all-Austrian training program for young researchers from the MSc to the senior postdoc level and a communication, outreach and transfer program to engage the international scientific community as well as the Austrian society and industry. quantA will become a center on quantum foundations of worldwide visibility, which will continue and extend Austria’s leadership in quantum science. To make this possible, the FWF together with the cluster’s partner institutions has made available 35 million euros over the next five years. Academy institutes IQOQI Vienna and IQOQI Innsbruck are quantA partners. We are looking forward to fascinating answers – which will certainly open up new questions.

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